Adult ADHD coaching in Wellington or online

Neurodiversity-affirming coaching and support for ADHD, AuDHD and neurodivergent minds

Looking for an ADHD coach in Wellington or online?

I provide ADHD coaching for adults in Wellington, New Zealand or online for clients in Aotearoa or worldwide.

As an ADHD Coach and AuDHD Coach, I support neurodivergent people with the challenges they face so they can make changes, live the life they want and do what matters to them. 

A little about me:

  • ADHD Coach in Wellington Aotearoa or online

  • AuDHD Coach

  • PreKure Certified Mental Health Coach

  • BSc (Hons). Memberships:

  • Australasian ADHD Professionals Association (AADPA)

  • Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association (HCANZA)

  • ADHD NZ and Autism NZ

Jayne Fox ADHD coach Wellington New Zealand

I am neurodivergent myself so I have first-hand experience of the strengths and difficulties we can face when our brains work differently and the impact of these differences on everyday life.

As a Certified Mental Health Coach, I am trained to support clients with self-compassion and techniques from Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) as well as helpful practices and strategies to get important things done.

My clients appreciate the whole-person support I provide for the practical and emotional sides of ADHD and AuDHD, particularly around emotional regulation and burnout, alongside support with organisation and getting things done.

Whether you have been diagnosed or not, are gifted, autistic or an ADHDer, I offer a safe and supportive space where you can discuss your challenges and develop strategies to move forward and live the life you want to live.

Thinking about ADHD coaching? Get in touch to book a free 30-minute strategy session today

What is ADHD coaching or AuDHD coaching?

Neruodiversity-affirming ADHD or AuDHD coaching offers support and strategies for people dealing with the challenges and differences of ADHD, autism, giftedness and AuDHD. It is based on curiosity and compassion and recognises that no two people are the same, so we all have different strengths, challenges and needs. The approach is non-judgemental, validating and supportive of neurodivergent differences. 

The coaching that I offer draws on techniques from Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) for ADHD and AuDHD, alongside self-compassion, emotional regulation and strategies for preventing and alleviating burnout. This is combined with habits and practices to support you with day-to-day skills and getting things done, while enhancing your overall wellbeing.

Neuro-affirming ADHD coaching can be particularly helpful for people who have found traditional therapy or counselling has not been a good fit for them, which is unfortunately common for neurodivergent adults, autistic people, ADHDers and AuDHDers.

While it is trauma-informed, ADHD coaching is not about delving into the past. If you would like support with this, I can work alongside a therapist or counsellor who can offer their assistance. It is also not about diagnosis, prescribing medications or altering treatment plans from your usual healthcare provider. If needed, I can assist as part of a wider team to offer additional support while you work through any changes.

Are sessions in person or online?

I offer AuDHD and ADHD coaching in Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand or online for clients around the world. For in-person coaching, I offer a choice of indoor or walk-and-talk outdoor sessions which provide a non-traditional approach to mental health support.

Who is ADHD coaching or AuDHD coaching suitable for?

ADHD or AuDHD coaching is for you if:

  • You are ADHD or AuDHD and are looking for support and strategies to live the life you want, whether or not you have been diagnosed with ADHD or are autistic, gifted or an AuDHDer.

  • You may be coming to terms with a recent diagnosis, or have long known that you are gifted or neurodivergent.

It is ideal for people who want:

  • To get unstuck and move forward

  • A place to talk through their thoughts and feelings about ADHD or neurodivergence

  • To be able to get things done when ADHD and neurodivergent traits make it difficult

  • Help with creating a good routine and organising their day

  • To work through feelings of grief about their diagnosis of ADHD or autism

  • To deal with the guilt and shame they feel when they can’t get things done

  • To better understand themselves and their ADHD/AuDHD and figure out what works best for them

  • To prevent or recover from burnout

  • To set boundaries and stop people-pleasing

  • To live the life they want to live and do what matters to them

Get support from an ADHD Coach and move forward towards the life you want to live

ADHD coaching packages

Coaching is a transformation process that takes commitment and time.

My ‘Move Forward and Thrive’ ADHD coaching package is designed to support you to live the life you want to live. It is tailored to your specific needs and includes:

  • Full programme: 12 x 1:1 ADHD coaching or AuDHD coaching sessions over 16 weeks, or

  • Essentials programme: 9 x 1:1 sessions over 12 weeks

  • Mini programme: 6 x 1:1 sessions over 6 or 9 weeks

  • Written summary after each session outlining the practices and strategies covered

  • Handouts and additional resources relevant to your needs

  • Weekly accountability

  • SOS email/WhatsApp support for questions or when things get heavy

When you book your coaching package you will also receive:

  • Your personal ADHD/AuDHD Coaching Journal

  • The latest reading list for ADHD, AuDHD and neurodivergent folks

Because each person is different, the coaching will focus on your particular needs and the strategies that will work for you. Coaching can be in person in Island Bay, Wellington or online and may include:

  • A place to explore your feelings about being ADHD, AuDHD or neurodivergent

  • Detailed exploration of your goals

  • Identifying your values, needs and strengths

  • Support and strategies for executive functioning challenges such as time management, organisation and planning

  • Help with emotional regulation

  • Support to increase self-acceptance and self-compassion, reduce stress and help avoid burnout

  • Support with wellbeing factors such as sleep, nutrition, movement, etc.

  • Strategies to help you move towards the life you want to live

  • Recognising and celebrating your strengths, abilities, skills, successes and progress towards your goals

See below for pricing options. Please note that there are limited spots available. Get in touch to book a free consultation and secure your spot.

How much does the programme cost?

The cost for the Move Forward and Thrive 1:1 ADHD or AuDHD coaching package is:

  • 12-session, 16-week full programme: 
    NZD 1449 (best value)

  • 9-session, 12-week essentials programme: 
    NZD 1149

  • 6-session, 6- or 9-week mini programme:
    NZD 779

  • See above for package and programme details

  • Payment plans available

Each programme can be extended for ongoing support for as long as required.
There are limited spots available. Get in touch to book a free consultation and secure your spot.

Sample coaching schedule

This is a sample schedule. Your specific coaching schedule will be flexibly tailored to your particular needs, goals, and individual situation.

  • Full programme: 12 sessions over 16 weeks

  • Essentials programme: 9 sessions over 12 weeks

  • Mini programme: 6 sessions over 6 or 9 weeks

Weeks 1 to 8: Weekly sessions – establishing the groundwork

Week 1: Session 1 – Exploring your unique situation and defining goals. Starting your coaching journal

Week 2: Session 2 – Figuring out where you want to be and how to get there

Week 3: Session 3 – Identifying and applying your unique strengths

Week 4: Session 4 – Getting things done

Week 5: Session 5 – Being kind to yourself

Week 6: Session 6 – Being aware of your thoughts and feelings. Reviewing your learning journal

Week 7: Session 7 – Regulating your emotions

Week 8: Session 8 – Preventing burnout

Weeks 9 to 16: Switch to fortnightly sessions – shaping the future

Week 9: Implementation week – email support and reflection

Week 10: Session 9 – Setting and holding boundaries. Reviewing your learning journal

Week 11: Implementation week – email support and reflection

Week 12: Session 10 – Doing what is most important to you

Week 13: Implementation week – email support and reflection

Week 14: Session 11 – Creating the future you want

Week 15: Implementation week – email support and reflection. Checking you’ve got everything you need in your learning journal

Week 16: Session 12 – Reflection, celebration and looking to the future

How it all works

Unsure about how to book? Here's an overview of the process from start to finish:

  1. Schedule a free online consultation with me to see if ADHD/AuDHD coaching is right for you

  2. Book your ADHD/AuDHD coaching programme

  3. Schedule your ADHD/AuDHD coaching in-person in Wellington NZ or online via video call

  4. Experience personalised coaching and support to help you live the life you want

  5. Receive a written summary after each session plus any handouts and resources

  6. Get accountability and support via email or WhatsApp

  7. At the end of your programme: reflect on your progress, celebrate wins and look to the future

More about me: What makes my ADHD coaching special?

I am the first Certified Mental Health Coach to offer ADHD coaching in Aotearoa NZ. And the first Certified Master Health Coach, too. This background and training means that I can support you as a whole person, from organising your busy day and getting things done, to regulating your emotions and dealing with racing thoughts, or navigating pitfalls of perimenopause with ADHD.

As well as providing ADHD coaching, I am also committed to the wider community: that’s why I founded a peer-support network for coaches who want to work in the neurodivergence space. Alongside this, I have regular supervision by a clinical psychologist and am passionate about continuing professional development to keep honing my skills.

Mental health coaching New Zealand Australia
Jayne Fox

ADHD Coach and Certified Mental Health Coach

Why I do what I do

As a neurodivergent person myself, I know how hard it is to navigate life when the world was not made with you in mind. I have dealt with numerous physical and mental health challenges that I didn’t always realise were related to being AuDHD, but it turns out that many of them were part of this overall picture.

I trained as a Certified Mental Health Coach because mental health is a deep-seated passion of mine, as I’ve seen personally how crucial it is in everything we do and what a profound role it plays in our wellbeing.

My mental health training helped me better appreciate my own neurodivergent traits, embrace the unique strengths that come with ADHD and AuDHD, and find strategies that help overcome the challenges.

Now I’m on a mission to help neurodivergent people understand themselves better and recognise what does and doesn’t work for them. To prevent burnout and cultivate self-acceptance, fun and joy. So they can live the life they want to live and do what truly matters to them.

Ready for 1:1 ADHD coaching? Get in touch to book your free 30-minute strategy session today.

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